MIT Stem Pals
January-February 2015

The Vermont Mathematics Initiative: Building a Cadre of Deeply Knowledgeable Mathematics Teacher Leaders
From Judi Laird and Dr. Kenneth Gross

Megan RokopBegun in 1999, the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI) represents a collaboration of the University of Vermont, the Vermont Agency of Education and Vermont School Districts. The mission of the VMI is to support highly effective mathematics instruction across the entire state of Vermont so that children can learn the rigorous mathematics needed for success in higher education and the workplace. The VMI is founded on the principle that strong mathematics content knowledge of teachers is prerequisite to enhanced pedagogy and higher student achievement.

The VMI is a comprehensive 3-year masters degree-granting program for Pre-K through High School teachers. It is designed to build a cadre of deeply knowledgeable mathematics teacher leaders who can apply their knowledge to improve mathematics instruction in their schools, districts and statewide. In turn, these teacher leaders serve as mathematics resources to other teachers in their school and/or district in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Now in its sixteenth year, the VMI has trained over 400 teachers, representing 97% of Vermont school districts. Formal evaluation studies, begun in 2004, have consistently shown the VMI to have a profound impact on the teachers themselves, their classroom practice, and most importantly, the students in schools having VMI teachers.

The program is guided by four goals. Through coursework, classroom applications, school-based mentoring by VMI staff, and leadership training, teachers in the VMI:

  • Build a strong and deep knowledge and understanding of mathematics content.
  • Demonstrate effective mathematics instruction.
  • Conduct action research that informs instructional decisions at the classroom level and beyond.
  • Provide leadership that supports school-wide improvement of mathematics teaching and higher mathematics achievement for all students in the school.

VMI is the only entity within Vermont that provides extensive, comprehensive content-based professional development for teachers in the area of mathematics. VMI personnel deliver Common Core training workshops across the state on behalf of the Vermont Agency of Education. Also, VMI personnel assist individual schools and districts by providing on-site services such as in-service sessions, in-classroom mentoring, after school workshops, and advising administrators on mathematics education issues.

VMI classes, workshops and programs have proven successful in urban, suburban and rural settings. Most recently, VMI completed a six year stint in Cincinnati, Ohio where over 30 mathematics teachers received University of Vermont masters degrees and are supporting their district via teacher leadership. Over 200 additional teachers engaged in VMI programs and offerings.

Dr. Kenneth Gross is Director and Judi Laird is Executive Director of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative. VMI is located within the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Vermont. For further information, contact Judi Laird.

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